
Jie Zhao

  Jie Zhao


  Associate professor;

  Graduate student advisor;


  Tel: 13359216481



  Research projects and focus

  The projects are focused on (1) key role of grasses in epidemics in the oversummering area of the wheat stripe rust pathogen (The National Natural Science Fund), (2) sexual reproduction and virulence variation of the wheat stripe rust fungus (the project-973), and (3) sexual hybridization and virulence variation of the rust pathogen (New Century Excellent Talents in University)。

  Representative papers

  1. Zhao J, Wang M N, Chen X M, Kang Z S. Role of alternate hosts in epidemiology and pathogen variation of cereal rusts. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 2016, 54:9.1-9.22.

  2. Wang, Z. Y., Zhao, J.*, Chen, X. M., Peng, Y. L., Ji, J. J., Zhao, S. L., Lv, Y. J., Huang, L. L., and Kang, Z. S. 2015. Virulence variations of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici isolates collected from Berberis spp. in China. Plant Disease, 2016, 100(1):131-138. (* co-first author)

  3. Zhao J, Zhao S L, Chen X M, Wang Z Y, Wang L, Yao J N, Chen W, Huang L L, Kang Z S. Determination of the Role of Berberis spp. in wheat stem rust in China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(8): 1113-1117.

  4. Zhao J, Wang L,Wang Z Y, Chen X M, Zhang H C, Yao J N, Zhan G M, Chen W, Huang L L, Kang Z S. Identification of eighteen Berberis species as alternate hosts of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and virulence variation in the pathogen isolates from natural infection of barberry plants in China. Phytopathology.2013, 103:927-934.

  Research direction

  My research interest is mainly involved in virulence variation and sexual reproduction of the wheat stripe rust fungus, and role of sexual host of the rust pathogen in epidemics and control of wheat stripe rust via to managing sexual host.

  Graduate students to participate in international academic conferences and academic reports

  Jianfeng Qin Report Title:Study on the role of sexual reproduction of Puccinia striiformis on gramineous grasses in epidemics of wheat stripe rust.(2015, 8 Hainan,Haikou)。
