
Gangming Zhan

  Gangming Zhan


  Associate professor;

  Master student advisor;


  Tel: 15029265097




  Research Focus

  The study on new races production of wheat stripe rust relating to the pathogen sexual reproduction process (The National Natural Science Fund); The study on virulent variation of wheat stripe rust pathogen and stabilization regulation in South Gansu. (The plan-973 sub-projects)Researching on wheat stripe rust pathogen populations resistance to fungicide monitoring and control technology research and demonstration.(The specific public service sectors)

  Representative papers

  1.Yuan Tian*, Gangming Zhan*, Xianming Chen, AngkanaTungruentragoon, Xia Lu, Jie Zhao, Lili Huang, and Zhensheng Kang. Virulence and SSR marker segregation in a Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici population produced by selfing a Chinese isolate on Berberisshensiana.Phytopathology, 2015 on line.

  2.Gangming Zhan,Fuping Wang, Xianming Chen, Cuiping Wan, Qingmei Han,Lili Huang and ZhenshengKang.Virulence and molecular diversity of the Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici population in Xinjiang in relation to other regions of western China. Plant Disease 2015, on line.

  3.Gangming Zhan, Fuping Wang, HuaiyongLuo, Shuchang Jiang, WenmingZheng, Lili Huang and Zhensheng Kang. Screening for simple sequence repeat markers in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici based on genomic sequence, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B 2015, 16(8): 727-732.

  4. Gangming Zhan,YuanTian, Fuping Wang, Xianming Chen, Jun Guo, Min Jiao, Lili Huang and Zhensheng Kang. Hyperparasite of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent of wheat stripe rust, Plos One 2014, 9(11):e111484.

  Major and research direction

  Mainly engaged in the study of Plant Pathology and Plant Immunity aspects.
