
QiaoJun Jin

QiaoJun Jin

College of plant protection, Northwest Agriculture & Forest University

Xinong Road 1 Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100 China

Phone: (86) 15029618726; e-mail:


InstituteMajor/AreaDegree, Year

Hangzhou Normal University, Zhejiang, ChinaBiology EducationB.Sc., 1998

Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Yunnan, ChinaBotanyM.Sc., 2001

University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USAPlant Physiology & BiochemistryPh.D., 2008


2011 Sept.-Present: Associate Professor, College of plant protection, Northwest Agriculture & Forest University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

Research directions: Fungal genomics and plant transformation

·Mentoring three graduate (G) and one undergraduate (UG) student's research

·Project: The regulationary mechanisms of FgSad1, FgSnu114, and FgPrp6 in spliceosome assembly in Fusarium graminearum (Xiaoping Li and Chaoni Song (G))

·Project: Functional characterization of FgPrp4 kinase in Fusarium graminearum (Xuli Gao and Chaohui Li (G))

·Project: Funtional characterization of receptor like kinase gene family WAK in response to pathogen Brachypodium distachyon by RNAi technology (Yafeng Liang (G))

·Project: The roles of rice cerk1 and CeBip gene in improving the resistance of Brachypodium distachyon to pathogen attack (Qi Yang (UG))

2009 July-2011 July: Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany

Project: infection related development of U. maydis on leaf surface by reverse genetics

Advisor: Prof. Regina Kahmann

2008 July-2009 July, research associate, Germplast Bank of Wild Species in the Kunming Institute of Batony, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan, China

Project: deciphering the growth physiology of bamboo shoots

Advisor: Prof. Zhenhua Guo

2002-2008: Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA, USA

Courses: taught general biology (100 level), Plant anatomy (300 level), and plant physiology lab (400 level). Guest lecturer for plant physiology (400 level) class

2001-2002: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA, USA

Project: Cytoskeletal studies on pollen and endosperm development in Arabidopsis

Advisor: Prof. Roy C. Brown

2001-2008: Doctoral Student, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA, USA

Project: Hormonal Responses, Cytoskeletal Organization, and Spermatozoid Development in the Model Organism Chara

Advisor: Prof. Karl H Hasenstein


1.Xiaoping Li, Zhili Fan, Ming Yan,  Jiao Ju, Jin-Rong Xu, Qiaojun Jin* Spontaneous mutations in FgSAD1 suppress the growth defect of the Fgprp4 mutant by affecting tri-snRNP stability and its docking in Fusarium graminearum. Environ Microbiol. 2019 Jul 10. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14736.

2.Xuli Gao, Ju Zhang, Chaoni Song, Kangyi Yuan, Jianhua Wang, Qiaojun Jin*,  Jin-Rong Xu* Phosphorylation by Prp4 kinase releases the self-inhibition of FgPrp31 in Fusarium graminearum. Curr Genet. 2018; 64(6): 1261-1274. doi: 10.1007/s00294-018-0838-4.

3.Dan Yu, Shijie Zhang, Xiaoping Li, Jin-Rong Xu, Zachary Schultzhaus, Qiaojun Jin* A Gin4-Like protein kinase GIL1 involvement in hyphal growth, asexual development, and pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. Int J Mol Sci. 2017; 18(2). doi: 10.3390/ijms18020424.

4.Xuli Gao#, Qiaojun Jin#, Cong Jiang, Yang Li, Chaohui Li, Huiquan Liu, Zhensheng Kang, Jin-Rong Xu* FgPrp4 kinase is important for spliceosome B-Complex activation and splicing efficiency in Fusarium graminearum. PLoS Genet. 2016; 12(4):e1005973. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005973.

5.Shulin Cao#, Shijie Zhang#, Chaofeng Hao, Huiquan Liu, Jin-Rong, Xu*, Qiaojun Jin* FgSsn3 kinase, a component of the mediator complex, is important for sexual reproduction and pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:22333. doi: 10.1038/srep22333.

6.Mu Li, Cong Jiang, Qinhu Wang, Zhongtao Zhao, Qiaojun Jin, Jin-Rong Xu, Huiquan Liu* Evolution and functional insights of different ancestral orthologous clades of chitin synthase genes in the fungal tree of life. Front Plant Sci. 2016; 7:37. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00037.

7.Yi Wang ,Chao Yang, Qiaojun Jin, Dongjie Zhou, Shuangshuang Wang, Yuanjie Yu, Long Yang* Genome-wide distribution comparative and composition analysis of the SSRs in Poaceae. BMC Genet. 2015; 16:18. Doi: 10.1186/s12863-015-0178-z.

8.Zhongtao Zhao, Huiquan Liu, Yongping Luo, Shanyue Zhou, Lin An, Chenfang Wang, Qiaojun Jin, Mingguo Zhou, Jin-Rong Xu* Molecular evolution and functional divergence of tubulin superfamily in the fungal tree of life. Sci Rep. 2014; 4:6746. doi: 10.1038/srep06746.

9.Zhongtao Zhao, Qiaojun Jin, Jin-Rong Xu, Huiquan Liu* Identification of a fungi-specific lineage of protein kinases closely related to tyrosine kinases.  PloS One. 2014; 9(2): e89813. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089813.

10.Qiaojun Jin, Karl H. Hasenstein* Cytoskeletal control of sperm release in Chara contraria. Botanica Marina. 2009; 52: 162-169.

11.Qiaojun Jin, Peter Scherp, Kirsten Heimann, Karl H. Hasenstein* Auxin and cytoskeletal organization in algae. Cell Biol Int. 2008; 32: 542-545.

12.Qiaojun Jin, Zhongxin Wei* Studies on pollen morphology of Stachyuraceae and Staphyleaceae. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 2002; 24(1): 57-63.

13.Xin Tian, Qiaojun Jin, Dezhu Li, Zhongxin Wei, Tingzhi Xu* Pollen morphology of Aceraceae and its systematic implication. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 2001; 23(4): 457-465.

14.Zhongxin Wei, Feng Wang, Qiaojun Jin, Hong Wang* Cladistic analysis of Stachyuraceae and related taxa. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 2002; 24(5): 591-599.

15.Zhongxin Wei, Qiaojun Jin, Shixiong Yang, Hong Wang, Feng Wang* (2002) The development of male and female gametophytes of Stachyurus himalaicus and its systematic enlightenment. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 2002; 24(6): 733-742.

16.Zhongxin Wei, Qiaojun Jin, Hong Wang, Xin Tian, Shukun Chen* Pollen morphology of Stachyuraceae and related taxa. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 2002; 24(4): 483-496.

17.Zhongxin Wei*, Hong Wang, Qiaojun Jin Pollen morphology of Bignoniaceae in China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 2001; 23(2): 225-230.


1.Qiaojun Jin, Karl H. Hasenstein (2012) Development of antheridial filaments and spermatozoid release in Chara contria, advances in Algal cell biology Chapter, 161-176, editor: Heimann Kirsten, Katsaros Christos. Springer-Verlag Berlin ISBN: 978-3-11-022761-5

2.Qiaojun Jin, Karl H. Hasenstein (2008) Cytoskeletal changes during spermatogenesis in Chara antheridia In: The Plant Cytoskeleton: A Key Tool for Agro-biotechnology Editors: Y Blume, W Baird, D Breviario and A Yemets. Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN: - 978-1-40208842-1, 476pp; p129-142

3.Qiaojun Jin (2008) Hormonal Responses, Cytoskeletal Organization, and Spermatozoid Development in the Model Organism Chara Dissertation: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-1243515216, 1-120


1.PRP4 is important for splicing efficiency and alternative splicing in Fusarium graminearum the 4th International Plant and Pathogens Interaction Congress Nanjing , Jiangsu, China, 2015

2.Kin1 is required for cell division in Fusarium The 4th international conference of Wheat Head Blight disease Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2012

3.The role of microtubules during appressorium formation in Ustilago maydis the 2nd International Plant and Pathogens Interaction Congress Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2011

4.Auxin effects on cell elongation and microtubule organization in Chara Annual meeting of Plant Biology and Botany Joint Congress Chicago, IL, USA, 2007

5.Hormones and cytoskeletal organization International Symposium “the plant cytoskeleton: Genomic and Bioinformatic tools for Biotechnology and Agriculture” Yalta, Ukraine, 2006

6.The cytoskeletal organization during reproductive growth in Chara Annual meeting of American Society of Plant Biologist Orlando, FL, USA 2004


1.Functional characterization of FgPRP4 in Fusarium graminearum 10th International Congress of plant pathology (ICPP 2013) Beijing, China, 2013

2.Auxin effects on cell elongation and microtubule organization in Chara Annual meeting of American Society of Plant Biologists, Southern Section, Mobile Alabama, USA, 2007

3.Auxin effects on cell elongation and microtubule organization in Chara Annual Graduate Student Symposium, UL Lafayette, LA, USA, 2006

4.The effects of auxin on the development of Chara, and the cytoskeletal changes during maturation of sexual organs in Chara Department seminars, UL Lafayette, LA, USA 2005

5.Cytoskeletal changes in the development of reproductive structures in Chara Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, UL Lafayette LA 2005

6.Auxin effects on the cytoskeleton organization in Chara antheridium Annual Graduate Student Symposium, UL Lafayette, LA, USA, 2004

7.Cytoskeletal changes in the development of reproductive structures in Chara Annual meeting of American Society of Plant Biologists, Southern Section Lafayette LA, USA 2004


·Jin Qiaojun (2018) 核桃黑斑菌高效生防菌剂的研究与开发 陕西省科学院 50,000 RMB

·Jin Qiaojun (2016) the molecular mechanism of FgSad1 in spliceosome assembly in Fusarium graminearum Northwest agriculture & Forest University, China, 90,000 RMB

·Jin Qiaojun (2016) The mechanism of FgPrp6 in regulation of spliceosome activation in Fusarium graminearum NSFC 220,000 RMB

·Jin Qiaojun (2012) The Mechanism of co-evolution of different plant-pathogen systems. Sub-grant of the 973 project ‘the biological mechanism of virulence variation in important wheat pathogens’, Ministry?of?Science and Technology?of?the People's Republic of China, 781,000 RMB

·Jin Qiaojun (2012) The role of kinase Prp4 in pre-mRNA splicing of Fusarium graminearum, Startup funding for young scientist, Northwest agriculture & Forest University, China, 300,000 RMB


·Secured (240/400 $) from Graduate Student Organization, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2002-2008)

·The Dean’s fellowship from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Spring 2008


Microscopy skills: confocal microscopy; SEM; TEM

Analytic technology: solid phase extraction; HPLC; GC; GC-MS

Molecular biology: DNA/RNA purification; gene deletion; gene cloning; southern blot; western blot; PCR/RT-PCR/Real time PCR; Co-IP; yeast two hybrid; plant tissue culture; gene gun mediated transformation of wheat; agobacterium mediated transformation of Brachypodium/rice


·American Society of Plant Biologist (National & Southern section)

·American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology

·American Association for the Advancement of Science

·Yunnan Society of Cell biologist
