
Guangyu Sun

  Guangyu Sun



  Supervisor of doctoral students

  Plant pathologist and mycologist

  Scientist in China Agriculture Research System (CARS)

  Associate editor of “Plant Disease”, “Mycosystema”

  Email:  Tel: 86-29-87092075


  Research Focus

  1.Pathogen genetics, evolutionary biology, and functional genomics.

  2.Fungal Pathogen biodiversity and detection.

  3.Fungal Molecular systematics and speciation.

  4.Integrated management of apple diseases.

  Representative papers

  1. Management of Valsa canker on apple with adjustments to potassium nutrition. Plant Disease 2016, 100:884-889.

  2. Multiple locus genealogies and phenotypic characters reappraise the causal agents of apple ring rot in China. Fungal Diversity 2015, 71: 215-231

  3. Peltaster fructicola genome reveals evolution from an invasive phytopathogen to an ectophytic parasite. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 22926

  4. Multiplegroup I introns in the small-subunit rDNA of Botryosphaeria dothidea: Implication for intraspecific genetic diversity. PLoS One 2013,7, e67808

  5. Etiology of moldy core, core browning and core rot of Fuji apple in China. Plant Disease 2013, 97:510-516

  6. Dissoconiaceae associated with sooty blotch and flyspeck on fruits in China and the United States. Persoonia 2012, 28: 113-125

  Major and research direction

  Fungi and fungal deseases.

  Participating in international conferences and giving presentation by graduates

  Mycological Society of China: Haixia Peng(2015),Chen Chen(2012),etc.

  Academic awards of Graduates

  Fanglan Dai Outstanding Graduate Award from Chinese Mycological Society: Haixia Peng

  National Scholarship to Graduates: Chao Xu, Liu Gao, Zhuoya Wei

  Top Ten Outstanding Graduates: Hongbiao Ma

  Special Fund for Outstanding Academic Thesis: Xiaoyan Cui, Junlin Zhang.

  Graduate employment

  Haixia Peng: Northwest A&F University

  Yanmin Hou: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  Chen Chen: State Intellectual Property Office

  Dandan Fu: University of Science and Technology of He'nan

  Huanyu Li: Gansu Agricultural University

  Zhu Zhang: Guangzhou Entry- Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. etc.
