
Zhiqing Ma

  Zhiqing Ma



  Professor; PhD advisor;

  Director of the plant protection technology promotion center

  Director of China Society of Plant Protection

  National Professional Committee of the Standing Committee of grape pest control

  Email:  Tel: 029-87091884



  Research project

  1 The National Natural Science Foundation, Target Orientation of Tripterygium alkaloid acting on  armyworm muscle cells,Total funding 720,000 yuan.

  2 National Science and Technology Support Program, "Sub project of green sterilization antiviral agents and biological pest control agent creation development ", Total funding 200,000 yuan.

  3 Agricultural research projects in Shaanxi Province,"China torreyanic insecticidal activity and product development”, Total funding 100,000 yuan.

  Representative publications

  1.The botanical pesticide derived from Sophora flavescens for controlling insect pests can also improve growth and development of tomato plants. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 92: 13-18.

  2. Isolation and insecticidal activity of sesquiterpenes alkaloids from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f.Industrial Crops and Products,2014,52:642~648

  3.Two new steroids from sclerotia of the fungus Omphalia lapidescens.Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,2014,16(3):265~270

  4.Effects of botanical insecticide, toosendanin, on blood digestion and egg production by female Adeds aegypti (diptera: culicidae):topical application and ingestion. Journal of medical entomology,2013,50(1):112~121

  5.Evaluation of the Antiviral Activity of Extracts from Plants Grown in the Qinling Region of China Against Infection by Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)。 Journal of phytopathology,2012,160(4):181~186

  Major and research direction

  Recruit graduate direction:Pesticide Science, pesticide toxicology.
