
Zhensheng Kan

  Zhensheng Kang


  Professor; PhD advisor; Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program.

  The director of State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, vice president of Chinese Society for Plant Pathology. The member of “Academic degree Committee of the State Council”, committee member in “Ministry of Education Institution of Higher Learning Teaching Guidance Committee”。 Has been honored the title of "National Advanced Workers", "National Outstanding Scientific and Technical Workers", "National Model Teacher" and so on.

  Email:;  Tel: 029-87080061




  Research Focus

  Research Mainly focus on

  1) wheat stripe rust fungal biology, mechanisms of the fungal pathogenicity and variation;

  2)Wheat-stripe rust fungi interactions;

  3)Genetics of wheat resistance to stripe rust disease and resistant germplasm development;

  4) Epidemics of wheat stripe rust and control techniques.

  These studies were supported by over twenty projects, such as “National Key Basic Research Program of China” (973 program); “National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China” (863 program); “National Natural Science Foundation of China”; “Program of Modern Agricultural Industrial System Scientists Project” et al, and got over 6 million dollars funding.

  Representative papers

  1. High genome heterozygosity and endemic genetic recombination in the wheat stripe rust fungus. Nature Communications, 2013, 4: 2673, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3673. IF: 11.33

  2. Role of alternate hosts in epidemiology and pathogen variation of cereal rusts. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 2016, doi:10.1146/annurev-phyto-080615-095851. IF:  9.31

  3. Characterization of protein kinase PsSRPKL, a novel pathogenicity factor in the wheat stripe rust fungus. Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 17(8):2601-2617. IF: 5.93

  4. Wheat TaNPSN SNARE homologues are involved in vesicle-mediated resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici)。 Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(17): 4807-4820. IF: 5.68

  5. TaADF7, an actin-depolymerizing factor, contributes to wheat resistance against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Plant Journal, 2014, 78(1): 16-30. IF: 5.47

  Graduate Recruitment Programs

  Currently supervise 13 Ph. D students (3 international students) and 10 Masters students (1 international student) and students for plant pathology and integrated management of plant disease are welcomed.

  Academic Communications of Graduate Students

  In 2015, two graduate students, Minjie Liu and Xiaoguo Zhu attended the “2015 Borlaug Global Rust Initiative Workshop” held in Sydney, Australia; 6 students attended the “2015 Chinese Society for Plant Pathology (CSPP) Annual Meeting” held in Haikou, 1 students attended the “4th International Conference on Biotic Plant Interactions” held in Nanjing, 1 students attended the “4th National Conference for Plant Resistance and Disease/Pests Epidemics and Control” held in Lanzhou.

  Graduate student academic awards

  One student won “National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award nomination”, One student honored “National Merit student” , One student won “Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award nomination in Shaanxi”, 3 students won “New Academic Artist for doctoral post graduate” from Ministry of education, 4 students won “First Prize for Innovation of Plant Pathology Research”, 3 students won “National scholarship”, 1 student won “Baogang scholarship” and 2 students won “Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award nomination in NWSUAF”。

  Graduate employment

  In the last four years, 15 students got Ph. D degree. Among them, 13 students found jobs in university or research institute such as “Northwest University” and “Oil Crops Research Institute, CAAS”, and 2 students worked as post doctor. Twenty students got Master degree, among them 9 students continue studying in local or abroad university for doctoral degree, and 11 graduate students found jobs in enterprise, institutions or government.
