
Pathogenic adaptations of Colletotrichum fungi revealed by genome wide gene family evolutionary analyses

作者:  来源:bevictor伟德官网科研办  发布日期:2019-03-07  浏览次数:

       论文信息:Xiaofei Liang  , Bo Wang  , Qiuyue Dong  , Lingnan Li  , Jeffrey A. Rollins  , Rong Zhang  *,Guangyu Sun * . Pathogenic adaptations of Colletotrichum fungi revealed by genome wide gene family evolutionary analyses. PLoS One(2018)13(4)


       论文摘要: The fungal genus Colletotrichum contains hemibiotrophic phytopathogens being highly vari- able in host and tissue specificities. We sequenced a C. fructicola genome (1104–7) derived from an isolate of apple in China and compared it with the reference genome (Nara_gc5) derived from an isolate of strawberry in Japan. Mauve alignment and BlastN search identi-fied 0.62 Mb lineage-specific (LS) genomic regions in 1104–7 with a length criterion of 10 kb. Genes located within LS regions evolved more dynamically, and a strongly elevated pro-portion of genes were closely related to non-Colletotrichum sequences. Two LS regions,
containing nine genes in total, showed features of fungus-to-fungus horizontal transfer sup-ported by both gene order collinearity and gene phylogeny patterns. We further compared the gene content variations among 13 Colletotrichum and 11 non-Colletotrichum genomesby gene function annotation, OrthoMCL grouping and CAFE analysis. The results provided a global evolutionary picture of Colletotrichum gene families, and identified a number of strong duplication/loss events at key phylogenetic nodes, such as the contraction of the detoxification-related RTA1 family in the monocot-specializing graminicola complex and the expansions of several ammonia production-related families in the fruit-infecting gloeospor-ioides complex. We have also identified the acquirement of a RbsD/FucU fucose transporter
from bacterium by the Colletotrichum ancestor. In sum, this study summarized the patho-genic evolutionary features of Colletotrichum fungi at multiple taxonomic levels and high-lights the concept that the pathogenic successes of Colletotrichum fungi require shared as well as lineage-specific virulence factors.

