
Genome-wide Mapping for Stripe Rust Resistance Loci in Common Wheat Cultivar Qinnong 142

作者:  来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2019-03-13  浏览次数:

  论文信息:Qingdong Zeng, Jianhui Wu, Shengjie Liu, Xianming Chen, Fengping Yuan, Pingping Su, Qilin Wang, Shuo Huang, Jingmei Mu,
Dejun Han, † and Zhensheng Kang, † . Genome-wide Mapping for Stripe Rust Resistance Loci in Common Wheat Cultivar Qinnong 142.Plant Disease • 2019 • 103:439-447 • https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-18-0846-RE.


  论文摘要:Stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici threatens worldwide wheatproduction.Growingresistantcultivarsisthebestwaytocontrolthis
disease. Chinese wheat cultivar Qinnong 142 (QN142) has a high level of adult-plant resistance to stripe rust. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs relatedtostriperustresistance,wedevelopedarecombinantinbred line(RIL)populationfromacrossbetweenQN142andsusceptiblecultivar Avocet S. The parents and 165 F 6 RILs were evaluated in terms of their stripe rust infection type and disease severity in replicated field tests with six site-year environments. The parents and RILs were genotyped with single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Four stable QTLs were identified in QN142 and mapped to chromosome arms 1BL, 2AL, 2BL,
and 6BS. The 1BL QTL was probably the known resistance gene Yr29, the 2BL QTL was in a resistance gene-rich region, and the 2AL and 6BS QTLs mightbenew.Kompetitiveallele specific polymerasechain re-actionmarkersdevelopedfromtheSNPmarkersflankingtheseQTLswere highly polymorphic in a panel of 150 wheat cultivars and breeding lines. Thesemarkerscouldbeusedinmarker-assistedselectionfor incorporating the stripe rust resistance QTL into new wheat cultivars.
