
Identification of Berberis Species Collected from the Himalayan Region of Pakistan Susceptible to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici

作者:  来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2019-03-13  浏览次数:

  论文信息:SajidMehmood, MarinaSajid, JieZhao, TikaKhan, GangmingZhan, LiliHuang,† andZhenshengKang † . Identification of Berberis Species Collected from the Himalayan Region of Pakistan Susceptible to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Plant Disease


  论文摘要:Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), the stripe rust pathogen infecting cereal crops and grasses, was believed to have a hemicyclic life cycle
consisting of uredinial and telial stages before the recent discovery of bar-berry (Berberis spp.) as an alternate (aecial) host for the fungus. This dis-covery has improved the understanding of the biology of the stripe rust pathogen. The Himalayan and near-Himalayan regions of Pakistan,China, and Nepal are considered as the center of diversity for Pst patho-gen. High genetic diversity has been reported in these areas, probably resulting from the sexual reproduction of the stripe rust fungus. To determine if Berberis species growing in Pakistan are susceptible to Pst, we collected seeds of five species and two subspecies from the Hi-
malayan region in 2016 and inoculated the seedlings with germinated te-liospores of a Pakistani Pst isolate under controlled conditions. Pycnia andaeciawereproducedonallinoculatedplantsofthesespeciesandsub-species, and were demonstrated as Pst by successful infection of wheat plants with aeciospores. This study showed that the tested Pakistani Ber-beris species and subspecies are susceptible to Pst under controlled conditions.
