
A-to-I mRNA editing in fungi: occurrence, function, and evolution

作者:  来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2019-05-08  浏览次数:

       论文信息:Zhuyun Bian, Yajia Ni, Jin-Rong Xu, Huiquan Liu*.A-to-I mRNA editing in fungi: occurrence, function, and evolution. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019) 76:329–340.


        论文摘要: A-to-I RNA editing is an important post-transcriptional modification that converts adenosine (A) to inosine (I) in RNA molecules via hydrolytic deamination. Although editing of mRNAs catalyzed by adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism in metazoans, organisms outside the animal kingdom lacking ADAR orthologs were thought to lack A-to-I mRNA editing. However, recent discoveries of genome-wide A-to-I mRNA editing during the sexual stage of the wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum, model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, Sordaria macrospora, and an early diverging filamentous ascomycete Pyronema confluens indicated that A-to-I mRNA editing is likely an evolutionarily conserved feature in filamentous ascomycetes. More importantly, A-to-I mRNA editing has been demonstrated to play crucial roles in different sexual developmental processes and display distinct tissue- or development-specific regulation. Contrary to that in animals, the majority of fungal RNA editing events are non-synonymous editing, which were shown to be generally advantageous and favored by positive selection. Many non-synonymous editing sites are conserved among different fungi and have potential functional and evolutionary importance. Here, we review the recent findings about the occurrence, regulation, function, and evolution of A-to-I mRNA editing in fungi.



