

作者:  来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2022-01-19  浏览次数:

祝传书.jpg  祝传书 教授






祝传书,男,1976年1月生,硕士生导师,主要从事代谢工程和合成生物学方面的研究,先后主持国家重点研发专项子课题(2020YFA0907900)、国家自然科学基金(31272110)、陕西省自然科学基金重点项目(2019JZ-39)、陕西省自然科学基金面上项目(2016JM3036),在植物源农药研发、植物次生代谢物质生物合成方面取得了重要突破,研究成果在《Plant Molecular Biology》、《Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering》、《Industrial Crops & Products》、《Biochemical Engineering Journal》等期刊发表35篇论文。主讲《农药学》《植物化学保护学》、《制药工艺学》、《微生物源农药》、《农药生物测定与田间药效》课程。











1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,重要植物天然产物的途径创建,2021-2025,45.7万元。

2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),萜类合成途径限速酶对雷公藤次生代谢的影响,2013-2016,80万元。


1. Guo-peng Miao#, Chuan-shu Zhu#, Jun-taoFeng, Juan Han, Xiao-wei Song, Xing Zhang*, Aggregate cell suspension cultures of Tripterygium wilfordii HOOK.f. for triptolide, wilforgine, and wilforine production, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2013, 112:109-116

2. Guo-peng Miao#, Chuan-shu Zhu#, Yu-qi Yang, Min-xing Feng, Zhi-qing Ma, Jun-tao Feng, Xing Zhang*,Elicitation and in situ adsorption enhanced secondary metabolites production of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. adventitious root fragment liquid cultures in shake flask and a modified bubble column bioreactor, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2014 Apr;37(4):641-650. doi: 10.1007/s00449-013-1033-0

3. Chuanshu Zhu, Guopeng Miao, Jia Guo, Yanbo Huo, Xing Zhang, Jiahua Xie, Juntao Feng,Establishment of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f. hairy root culture and optimization of its culture conditions for the production of triptolide and wilforine,Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,(2014), 24(6), 823–834 DOI: 10.4014/jmb.1402.02045

4. Guo-peng Miao,Wei Li ,Bin Zhang , Zhan-feng Zhang ,Zhi-qing Ma , Jun-tao Feng ,Xing Zhang,Chuan-shu Zhu*,Identification of Genes Involved in the Biosynthesis of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f. Secondary Metabolites by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization,Plant Mol Biol Rep,2015, 33:756-769 DOI 10.1007/s11105-014-0792-3

5. Jing Zhang, Yan-bo Huo, Yan Liu, Jun-tao Feng, Zhi-qing Ma, Chuan-shu Zhu*, Xing Zhang*,Differential expressed analysis of Tripterygium wilfordii unigenes involved in terpenoid backbone biosynthesis,Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,2016, 21:1-10.  PMID: 27649810 DOI: 10.1080/10286020.2016.1232713

6. Guo-peng Miao, Juan Han, Ji-feng Zhang, Chuan-shu Zhu*, Xing Zhang, 2017. A MDR transporter contributes to the different extracellular production of sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloids between adventitious root and hairy root liquid cultures of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f., Plant Mol Biol., 95, Issue 1–2, pp 51–62 DOI 10.1007/s11103-017-0634-4

7. Bin Zhang, Yan Liu, Mengmeng Chen, Juntao Feng, Zhiqing Ma, Xing Zhang, and Chuanshu Zhu*, Cloning, expression analysis and functional characterization of squalene synthase (SQS) in Tripterygium wilfordii, Molecules, 2018, 23, 269; doi:10.3390/molecules23020269

8. Bin Zhang, Yanbo Huo, Jing Zhang, Xing Zhang*, Chuanshu Zhu*, 2019,  Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated RNAi of Tripterygium wilfordii and application for functional study of terpenoid biosynthesis pathway genes, Industrial Crops & Products, 139, 111509

9. Bin Zhang, Mengmeng Chen, Shi Pu, Ling Chen, Xing Zhang, Jing Zhang*, Chuanshu Zhu*, Identification of secondary metabolites in Tripterygium wilfordii hairy roots and culture optimization for enhancing wilforgine and wilforine production, Industrial Crops and Products, 148(2020), 112276

10. Bin Zhang, Ling Chen, Yanbo Huo, Juntao Feng, Zhiqing Ma, Xing Zhang*, Chuanshu Zhu*, Enhanced production of celastrol in Tripterygium wilfordii hairy root cultures by overexpression of TwSQS2, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 107681 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2020.107681