

作者:    来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2013-06-03  浏览次数:

报告题目1: Botanical insecticides in modern agriculture and an increasingly regulated world



报告题目2: Pesticides based on plant essential oils: from traditional practice to commercialization



报告人:Murray B. Isman, Dean and Professor (Entomology/Toxicology)



Murray B. Isman, Ph.D.

Dean & Professor, Applied Biology (Entomology/Toxicology)


Ph.D. (Entomology) (1981), University of California, Davis

M.Sc. (Zoology) (1977), University of British Columbia

B.Sc. (Zoology) (1975), University of British Columbia

Research Interests

Development of botanical insecticides and antifeedants. Collaborating with university and industrial partners, we have investigated the development of botanical insecticides derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), from medicinal plants and timber species of southeast Asia and Central America, and from tall oil, a byproduct of the pulp and paper industry. Studies have included isolation and identification of active principles, modes-of-action against pest insects, effects on natural enemies and fish, and efficacy under greenhouse and field conditions. We are currently collaborating on the development of essential oil-based pesticides for EcoSMART Technologies Inc. (USA).

Behavioral and physiological effects of plant defensive chemicals on insects. We have investigated the effects of mixtures of plant chemicals on insect feeding and on the development of resistance to botanical insecticides. Studies have characterized habituation to feeding deterrents in caterpillars, the metabolism of plant defensive chemicals by herbivorous insects, and the pharmacokinetics and fate of plant chemicals in insects.

Research Projects

Host-induced volatiles in tomato as an early warning system for greenhouse pest management:  we demonstrated that tomato plants attacked by cabbage loopers emit novel terpenes in quantities related to pest density and duration of feeding.  Most importantly, we detected very high levels of these compounds (using an ultrafast portable gas chromatograph) in areas of a commercial greenhouse where insects were feeding at levels that would have gone unnoticed by human scouts (Miresmailli et al. 2010a,b, 2012).

Bioactivity of plant essential oils and their constituents to insects:  research in this area accounted for over 1/3rd of the peer-reviewed publications from my laboratory in the past six years.  In particular, we demonstrated internal synergy of essential oil constituents ? putative ‘active’ compounds did not account for the full toxicity of the chemically complex oils in which they occur ?  but addition of putatively ‘inactive’ compounds restored full toxicity of the oil (Miresmailli et al, 2006;  Jiang et al., 2009).  One example of my recognition for this body of work (apart from numerous invitations for symposium papers and book chapters) is that a paper I published in Crop Protection in 2000 has been cited over 400 times according to ISI’s Web of Science.

Readily synthesized feeding and oviposition deterrents for the cabbage looper:  screening of mini-libraries of synthetic dialkoxybenzene compounds led to the discovery of some low molecular weight compounds that could be used for nontoxic crop protection (Akhtar et al. 2007, 2010).  A US patent application for one such compound has been filed, and a multinational agrochemical company is proposing to partner with my collaborator on further development of this material.

Learning and memory in moths:  we originally demonstrated that habituation to oviposition/feeding deterrents in cabbage looper larvae alleviated deterrence to those compounds in subsequent moths ? an example of memory persisting through metamorphosis.  More recently we have demonstrated that this phenomenon is not a result of ‘chemical legacy’ (traces of the compound on the integument of the insect) but requires gustatory exposure (feeding) in larvae (Akhtar et al. 2009). 



