
bevictor伟德官网举办“Life Table Theory and Data Analysis”短期培训的通知

作者:    来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2012-09-12  浏览次数:


为使广大昆虫学科研工作者了解和掌握昆虫生命表理论与应用的最新进展,台湾中兴大学齐心教授将于102-1012日在公司主办“Life Table Theory and Data Analysis”短期培训,每天4学时,共计44学时。有意参加培训的教师,研究生及本科生,请于917日前在胡祖庆老师处报名。











Workshop on Life Table Theory and Data Analysis

October 2~12, 2012


Prof. Dr. Hsin Chi (齐心  教授)

Population: Age Structure, Fecundity, and Survival Rate

Development of age-structured population models

A short history of life tables

Exponential growth and logistic growth

Is logistic growth applicable?

Dimension analysis of intrinsic rate

Lewis-Leslie matrix and characteristic equation

How to estimate the finite rate and the intrinsic rate of increase

Derivation of formulae of life expectancy and stable age distribution

Lotka-Euler formula:  or ?

Relationships among GRR, R0, and preadult survival rate (la)

Relationship between mean fecundity of female and net reproductive rate

Raw data analysis for the age-specific life table

Problems with the age-specific life table


Age-stage, two-sex life table

Raw data analysis for the age-stage, two-sex life table

Jackknife and bootstrap methods

Output files of the TWOSEX program

Preparing figures for manuscript of two-sex life table


Application of life table:

Timing of pest management (TIMING-MSChart)

Consumption rate analysis (CONSUME-MSChart)


The age-stage, two-sex life table 与传统生命表的比较:

Age-Stage, Two-Sex Life Table?  Why?

1.    Both sexes are important.  Male lady beetles can also kill aphids. Age-stage, two-sex life table takes both sexes into consideration.

a)    The developmental rate of males may different from that of females.

b)    The predation rate of male lady beetle may be different from that of females.

c)    Only using the age-stage, two-sex life table can give a correct description for the predator-prey relationship?

2.    Correct stage grouping is important.  If you use traditional age-specific life table, it is impossible to group the stage properly.

a)    Stage differentiation is an important phenomenon for insects.  Insects of different stages have different consumption rate and thus cause different economic injury.

b)    The susceptibility to pesticide and vulnerability to predator are different for individuals of different stages.

3.    Both the mean fecundity (F) of female and the net reproductive rate (R0) are calculated based on the daily fecundity of female.   There must be a reasonable relationship.  Can you find the relationship?  Age-stage, two-sex life table gives correct relationship between the mean fecundity and the net reproductive rate.

4.    Proper handling the preadult mortality is important.  If you use the age-specific female life table, you will face the problem of preadult mortality.  Most scientists just assumed a 0.5 sex ratio. But, is it OK?

5.    Is it correct to use the “adult age”?  Will it result in errors in your lx and mx?

The age-stage, two-sex life table gives a correct, complete, and comprehensive description on the stage-structured demography.