

作者:  来源:bevictor伟德官网  发布日期:2017-05-18  浏览次数:

报告题目1: Producing crops with less pesticides – what role for biocontrol ?

报告人:Dr. Philippe Claude Nicot, Plant Pathology Research Unit, INRA, Avignon, France

内容简介:Production of agricultural crops relies heavily on treatments with pesticides. However, this raises increasing public concerns both in terms of public health and of environmental impact, and actions are taken worldwide to reduce this dependency and ban the most toxic products.  Examples include the French "EcoPhyto Plan", which ambitions a 50% reduction in pesticide use by French growers by 2025. Alternative methods are needed for the management of pests and diseases and biological control may play an increasingly important role in a context of integrated pest management (IPM).  I will present some of the progress and challenges in the development of biological control methods against plant diseases and their integration in IPM schemes.

报告题目2: Friends or foes? When plant pathogens make rain.

报告人: Dr. Cindy Ellen Morris, Plant Pathology Research Unit UR0407, INRA, PACA, Avignon, France

内容简介:Plant pathogens can cause diseases of considerable importance to food crops, forests, ornamentals, etc. But many of the microorganisms that can cause plant disease also are saprophytes and have aspects of their life history of which little is known. Growing interest in environmental microbiology has helped to uncover surprising aspects of life history of plant pathogens leading to new perspectives on the beneficial role that they might be playing for the environment. One example is Pseudomonas syringae as a plant-associated bacterium first described over 50 years ago. Our vision of its ecology has moved away from ubiquitous epiphytic plant pathogen to multifaceted bacterium sans frontières in fresh water and other ecosystems linked to the water cycle. Discovery of the aquatic facet of its ecology has led to a vision of its life history that integrates spatial and temporal scales spanning billions of years and traversing catchment basins, continents and the planet, and that confronts the implication of roles that are potentially conflicting for agriculture and society at large – as a plant pathogen and as a beneficial actor in processes leading to rain and snowfall. This new ecological perspective has also yielded insight into epidemiological phenomena linked to disease emergence.  It sets the stage for the integration of more comprehensive contexts of ecology and evolutionary history into comparative genomic analyses to elucidate how P. syringae subverts attack and defense responses of the cohabitants of the diverse environments it occupies. I will present the vision of the evolving story of the ecology and biology of P. syringae and the conflicting challenges and opportunities for management of plant health and ecosystem services that ensue for this and other plant pathogens.

报告时间: 5月22日 8:30-12:00

报告地点: 外专公寓1号会议室


Dr. Philippe Claude Nicot, 法国国家农业研究院研究员。美国植物病理协会、中国植物病理协会和法国植物病理协会会员。博士毕业于美国威斯康星大学,现在法国国家农业研究院植物病理研究中心从事蔬菜水果病害的流行学和生物防治研究。已在 Environmental Microbiology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Pest Management Science, Plant Disease等期刊上发表论文50余篇。

Dr. Cindy Ellen Morris, 法国国家农业研究院研究员。博士毕业于美国威斯康星大学,曾任法国国家农业研究院植物病理研究中心主任,现主要从事细菌生态学的相关研究。在Science, Annual Review of Phytopathology, PNAS, PLoS Pathogens, The ISME Journal, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist等国际知名期刊发表研究论文100余篇。




